Category Archives: Radio

Reknowned Racist Donald Sterling is Actually a Republican

Over the past week, I have received several messages taunting me over Donald Sterling, the well-known racist and owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers.  Readers want to know why I don’t point out this racist “Democrat.”  There is no quetion that Sterling’s comments were racist so let’s start with the recording that started it all:

I did not post this video on this website before because I don’t consider Donald Sterling to be a political figure and that is the primary focus of this blog.  However, in response to the Cliven Bundy facepalm, the Conservative Media put Sterling on my radar.

The headlines started coming out on some major right wing political websites and blogs:

“LA Clippers Owner Donald Sterling is a Racist Democrat”– The Tea Party News Network

“Report: Clippers Owner Caught In Racist Rant Is A Democratic Donor” – Fox Nation

“Donald Sterling made donations to Dems” – Politico

“Media Ignoring Dem Donations of LA Clippers’ Owner, Allegedly Caught on Tape in Race-Based Rant” – NewsBusters

“NBA Sterling is a Democrat…” – The Drudge Report

“Race Hate Spewing Clippers Owner Is Democratic Donor” – The Daily Caller

Rush Limbaugh went off on a tirade about it on Monday saying, “This guy is a big Democrat…  The only reason he is in trouble right now is that he did not give enough money to Obama.”  He then went on to rant about Sterling being “a typical Hollywood Democrat” and a litany of other textbook Limbaugh hyperbole.

So NOW they have my attention.  Apparently it’s very important that these websites point out a Democratic racist to help soothe the burning of the wound caused by their frantic embrace of Cliven Bundy.  The world must know that this Democrat is a racist too!

Except they got one thing wrong…  Donald Sterling is a registered Republican in Los Angeles County and has been for over 18 years.

On Sunday, Michael Hiltzik, columnist for the Los Angeles Times, tweeted that local voter records show Sterling to be a registered Republican since 1998. Mother Jones followed up and did a search of the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder’s website for Sterling’s name, date of birth, and address confirmed that he’s registered as a Republican.

Donald Sterling - Registered Republican

Donald Sterling – Registered Republican

Again, the Conservative Media got it wrong.  They jumped at a chance to paint a “Democrat” as a racist just because Sterling made a small contribution to Grey Davis and one to Bill Bradley over 15 years ago.  They thought that they could just shout out “Democrat!” and no one would check them on that.  The rest of the media was prepared to not even bother with checking his political party affiliation but, because of the noise they made, the facts came out.  Well known racist Donald Sterling is indeed a Republican.

Keep your mouth shut, Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh, and you’ll stop helping me point out that Republicans are Racists.

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Conservative Hero and Welfare Queen Cliven Bundy Speaks Out on Race

ImageOver the past few weeks, Fox News and it’s Conservative Media clones have been madly pushing their anti-government agenda by using Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy as their new hero.  Conservative Media heroes like Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have spearheaded their attacks of “Big Government” by trying to fan the flames of this stand-off between the rancher and the Federal Government…  And many Republican elected officials have rushed to show support of Bundy.

Registered Republican Cliven Bundy has been in a long fight with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over grazing rights.  Many, many ranchers graze their herds on Federal lands and, in exchange, pay grazing fees to the United States Government.  Bundy, however, has refused to pay these fees and has continued to graze his herds on Federal land and has amassed over $1,000,000 in fees and fines.  He refuses to pay and continues to use taxpayer land to expand his own personal wealth.

Two weeks ago, this situation came to a head as Federal BLM agents moved in to seize Bundy’s cows as they were eating taxpayer grasses.  The conservative media rushed in and before you know it, hundreds of armed militia and private citizens hurried to the scene with assault weapons in hand.  These so-called Patriots then pointed their weapons at Federal Agents and began threatening open rebellion on television.  We all watched in disbelief as the BLM backed down due to concerns that agents and citizens would certainly be hurt or killed if they did not.

The Conservative Media exploded with this victory.  Cliven Bundy soon appeared on every major news program on Fox News, every major Republican radio show including the fringe show of ultra-right wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.  all of them hailed Bundy as the new hero of the American Right.  Bundy began holding regular news conferences and the one he held this week finally exposed him.

Here are his statements as reported by the New York Times:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids—and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch—they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Here are his statements on video:

Time and time again, these “heroes” get exposed for who they really are.  Bundy is trying to complain about African-Americans sucking from the public teet while he uses public land for his own profit.  He doesn’t even see the irony…  Nor does he see the blatant racism.

Congratulations, Conservative Media.  You gave this guy a nationwide microphone and now he has used it to show once again that Republicans are Racists.

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Hurricane Bears Down on NOLA: Rush Makes a Suggestion

Here we go again.  The defacto leader of the Republican Party has a new plan for killing “Democrats” (read: poor, black citizens) in New Orleans.  Alas, no action was taken and the levees held but Republicans can keep their fingers crossed that another storm will visit Louisiana this season and maybe they will be able to get this plan in place.

Here’s a transcript for those that can’t stand to listen to Rush’s voice.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: Okay, folks, it’s a moment of truth. We are mere hours away now from Tropical Storm Isaac, which everybody is desperately hoping becomes a hurricane. I can’t believe this. They are desperately hoping that it becomes a hurricane. It’s the Democrats’ wet dream that this thing hit New Orleans. So, you know me. My middle name is Solutions. I have some ideas for the Republicans. How to deal with the tropical storm, slash, hurricane hitting New Orleans.

The first thing we do is offer to send 500 bus drivers to New Orleans, paid for by us, to make sure that the buses that were not used by the Democrat mayor during Hurricane Katrina will be used to evacuate people should it become necessary.

The second thing that I think the Republicans ought to do is send bags of money instead of sand. Bags full of money to shore up the levees in New Orleans. This would accomplish many things. A, it would show our compassion. B, we could have Romney’s five sons who CNN last night asked, “What’s it like to be rich as sin,” or whatever. They did. Piers Morgan asked Romney’s sons, (paraphrasing) “What’s it like to be stinking rich?” So we have Romney’s five sons deliver the bags of money to shore up the levees.

Now, this will accomplish much. It will show our compassion, and it will do something else. Once we publicize that we have sent 500 bags of money — well, whatever number of bags, bags filled with money to shore up the levees, what will happen? The poor of New Orleans will storm the levees and steal the bags, thereby putting themselves at risk for the eventual flooding that will happen once they remove the bags of money. And that way the Republicans can get rid of even more Democrats in Louisiana and shore up the state for themselves. How about those two ideas, folks? Am I not thinking or am I thinking?

Hey Ladies! Rush Limbaugh Wants to Watch You Have Sex…

From the March 1 editon of Premiere Radio Networks’ The Rush Limbaugh Show

Vodpod videos no longer available.

I cannot think of anything sexier for a woman than Rush Limbaugh watching her have sex.

This clip isn’t racist. I’ll tell you that now. But it’s here because, in 2012, misogynism and racism go hand-in-hand with the Republican party. Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown law student, testified about contraception and Rush disagrees so it’s time for him to attack. The recent fights over contraception in health insurance programs are now exposing that more and more the Republican party is 100% the party of rich, white dudes. Ronald Reagan’s vision of a “big tent” for the GOP is a dream that is as dead as tight-rolling your jeans.

Hearing Rush say this to his devoted audience of millions with absolutely ZERO complaint from Republicans tells you all that you need to know about the Republican vision for the future of women in America… And that future is just like the 1850’s.

This clip doesn’t prove that Republicans are racist but it does prove that Rush Limbaugh can say anything about women and at least one of them will still have sex with him. Kathryn Elizabeth Rogers… You are a shallow, gold-digging betrayer of your sex and your husband has zero respect for you.

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Rush Limbaugh Explains the “Racial Component” of Obama’s Mortgage Plan

[“From the February 9 edition of Premiere Radio Networks'”]

Vodpod videos no longer available.

You may have never considered that the mortgage crisis was caused by those horrible “poor minorities.” Rush explains here that President Obama is using class warfare to make the “bankers” (white people is what he means) look like meanies. The poor bankers are being blamed for a problem that was actually caused by the poor minorities. The key to deciphering Rush’s point? He always portrays blacks as the “poor minorities” and whites as the victimized “rich bankers.” Sorry Rush but those bad loans had nothing to do with the Community Reinvestment Act but they had everything to do with greed. The Southern Strategy has not been pushed this hard since the sixties

When you untwist this dog whistle disguised as a rant calling out dog whistles (did I just type that?) you will find that it leads to one conclusion… Republicans are racists.

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Rush Limbaugh: Juan Williams Can Thank the White Guy that Runs Fox News for His Job

From the January 31 edition of Premiere Radio Networks’ The Rush Limbaugh Show

Vodpod videos no longer available.
When you have to interrupt your own diatribe to ask “was there anything racial about that?” then there probably was some racist content in there. What’s sad is how often that Rush has to ask that very question on his own show.

Juan Williams is a top journalist in his field and has a long and respected career. I don’t always agree with the guy but I do respect him. What saddens me is how much grief he has received since he had the nerve to ask Newt Gingrich if he could see how saying that poor blacks should ask for a job and not a handout could upset black people. Not only was he booed, he’s caught hell from his own home team at Fox News and now from the defacto leader of the Republican Party… Rush Limbaugh.

This is nothing new for Rush Limbaugh and he continues to be the poster child for why Republicans are Racists.

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