Tag Archives: Republicans

Vivek Ramaswamy and the ‘Great Replacement’ Theory

The article from The Atlantic titled “Ramaswamy, the New Voice of the ‘Great Replacement’ Theory” delves into the controversial statements made by entrepreneur and Republican presidential-primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy regarding the ‘Great Replacement’ theory. This theory, often associated with white supremacist ideology, suggests that there is a deliberate plan to replace white Americans with immigrants, particularly from non-white backgrounds. Ramaswamy’s endorsement of this theory, despite being a practicing Hindu and the son of Indian immigrants, presents a paradoxical stance that challenges the very premise of the theory.

Understanding the ‘Great Replacement’ Theory

The ‘Great Replacement’ theory has been a fringe idea within far-right circles but has gradually permeated mainstream conservative thought. It posits that a deliberate effort is underway, often attributed to the Democratic Party, to replace the existing electorate with new, more compliant voters from the Third World. This theory has been linked to several violent acts, including mass shootings in Buffalo, New York; El Paso, Texas; and Christchurch, New Zealand. The theory is inherently racist, assuming that white Christians are the only “true” Americans and that immigration policy should aim to preserve a white majority.

Ramaswamy’s Stance and Its Implications

Ramaswamy’s support for the ‘Great Replacement’ theory is particularly striking given his background. His stance seems to contradict the theory’s underlying racial assumptions. His argument that the theory is a “basic statement of the Democratic Party’s platform” has been met with criticism and disbelief, especially considering his own minority status. This contradiction highlights the complexity and often the irrational nature of political and racial discourse in contemporary America.

Political Realignment and the Flaws of the Theory

The article points out that the ‘Great Replacement’ theory fails to account for the dynamic nature of political alignment among various ethnic and racial groups. For instance, Arab American voters, who were once pro-Bush, have shown signs of political realignment. Similarly, Hispanic and Black voters have not consistently aligned with one party. The theory also overlooks the diversity within these groups, which leads to a wide range of political views and voting patterns.

The Role of the Republican Party

The Republican Party’s embrace of narratives like the ‘Great Replacement’ theory has been seen as a strategy to consolidate its base. However, this approach risks alienating the increasingly diverse American electorate. The article suggests that the party’s focus on racial intolerance has inadvertently helped the Democratic Party maintain its multiracial coalition.

Ramaswamy’s Political Strategy

Ramaswamy’s invocation of the ‘Great Replacement’ theory seems to be a calculated move to appeal to the Republican base. This strategy, however, raises questions about the long-term viability of such a stance in a diversifying America. It also reflects the growing trend of conspiracy theories and victimhood narratives in right-wing politics.

The Dangers of the ‘Great Replacement’ Theory

The endorsement of the ‘Great Replacement’ theory by figures like Ramaswamy is not just a political issue but a societal concern. It perpetuates racist ideologies and overlooks the complex realities of American demographics and politics. The theory’s simplistic view of race and politics is not only misleading but also potentially dangerous, as it fuels division and hatred.

Read the complete article here.

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Colin Powell Emails Expose His Opinion on Racism in the GOP


Former 4 Star General and Secretary of State Colin Powell

For years, Colin Powell has been one of the Republicans used as an example of how the GOP simply cannot be racist.  How can we be racist when Colin Powell thinks we’re cool?

Well, this week, DCLeaks.com has released a batch of personal emails from the Former Secretary of State and retired four-star general.  In these leaked emails, Powell let’s some real talk fly.  He gives his opinion on the Republican Party as a whole…

In an email from May of this year, with the subject line “racism,” Powell reiterated a position he had taken in that past, writing, “Or as I said before the 2012 election, ‘There is a level of intolerance in parts of the Republican Party.’” – BuzzFeed

But some of the most biting comments from Powell are directed at the 2015 Republican Candidate for President…  Donald Trump who he refers to as “a national disgrace” and an “international pariah.”  Ouch.  BuzzFeed News also gave us a few other tasty bits…

“Yup, the whole birther movement was racist,” Powell wrote. “That’s what the 99% believe. When Trump couldn’t keep that up he said he also wanted to see if the certificate noted that he was a Muslim.” – BuzzFeed

And in a December 2015 email to CNN anchor Fareed Zakaria, Powell recounted his aversion to speaking about Trump to the press, writing, “You guys are playing his game, you are his oxygen. He outraged us again today with his comments on Paris no-go for police districts. I will watch and pick the timing, not respond to the latest outrage.” – BuzzFeed

Check out more on BuzzFeed here and NBC News here.

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Donald Trump is “the Least Racist Person that You’ve Ever Met”


Donald Trump isn’t a racist.  You can take his word for it.

Donald trump is back to letting everyone know how he’s not a racist.  It’s all the media spinning his comments into racist sounding rhetoric.

On September 15th, 2016, the Detroit News posted an article about the interview which can be found here.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told a black Detroit pastor he’s the “least racist person you have ever met” during an interview filmed at an African-American church on the city’s west side.

Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, pastor of Great Faith Ministries International Church, promised before his much publicized interview with Trump that he would confront the New York businessman about the perception that he’s racist.

“Are you a racist?” Jackson asked Trump in the Sept. 3 interview that aired Wednesday night on the Impact Network.

“Absolutely not,” Trump replied.

Some of the notable quotes include…

“They called Romney a racist, they called McCain a racist, they call everybody that’s a Republican a racist,” Trump told Jackson. “Usually when they start to lose. … But I am the least racist person that you’ve ever met.”

“They say — so many of my friends who are black — they say ‘You are the least racist person,’” Trump said.

That should clear everything up for us all.  And what is Trump’s plan for helping the inner city population of Detriot?

“My policy’s jobs, and I’m going to be a cheerleader for the country,” Trump said.

Not sure that’s a policy or just more rhetoric but but hey…  It is what it is.

Check out the full article here.

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Republicans are doomed: How the GOP’s cynical election strategy is imploding

As Donald Trump enmeshed himself in a bitter fight with the parents of an American Muslim military hero — and Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and John McCain looked to put distance between themselves and their party’s presidential nominee — there’s actually worse news for Republicans.

Several important court victories for voting rights since Friday could dramatically remake the campaign for Congress and the White House, and this time, GOP leadership may have a harder time distancing themselves from un-American tactics.

When an outraged 4th Circuit Court struck down several North Carolina voting restrictions on Friday — including a stringent voter-ID provision, tough limits on early voting and an end to same-day registration — the panel of federal judges wrote that these “new provisions target African-Americans with almost surgical precision.” The judges stopped just short of calling the Republican legislators who crafted the laws racist, but condemned the racist result in unusually direct language. “We cannot ignore the record evidence that, because of race, the legislature enacted one of the largest restrictions of the franchise in modern North Carolina history.”

Read more at Salon.com…

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The 2016 Democratic Party Debate’s Award Winning Racist Tweet

Randy Pullen (Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr, Creative Commons License)

Randy Pullen (Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr, Creative Commons License)

While there were plenty of racist tweets made during the Democratic Party Debate on Tuesday night, we’re going to have to point to former Arizona Republican Party chairman Randy Pullen as the winner…  At least from elected Republicans.  The voters themselves took the racism to another level and maybe we’ll cover that later.

After the candidates were asked whether “all lives matter” or “black lives matter,” Randy Pullen tweeted this out to the twitterverse:


Nicely done, Mr. Pullen.  Welcome to the site where we immortalize these gems!

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Sheila Butt and the Struggle for the Advancement of White People

Republican Tennessee State Representative Sheila Butt

Republican Tennessee State Representative Sheila Butt

The story of Tennessee Republican Sheila Butt and her call for the formation of the “NAAWP” has been getting a lot of play in the media this week.  She certainly deserves a mention on this website but I’m afraid that any attempt at a take down would pale in comparison to the one done by The Wonkette.  Here are a few tidbits from her article.

Gather round, little children, your Tennessee Wonkette has a nice story for you! It is about one of our august state representatives, a gentlelady by the name of Sheila Butt, who once said there would be no global warming if we used more hairspray, but this is not about that. This is about the fact that Sheila is Not Racist. Everybody is being mean to her and saying she is racist, though, because she went on the Facebook recently to comment on a nice note from the Council on American-Islamic Relations encouraging Republicans to stop hating Muslims so much. Butt said what we REALLY NEED is a “Council on Christian Relations” and a “NAAWP,” which some dumb liberal media types are dumbly and liberally assuming might stand for National Association For The Advancement Of White People, but they are wrong.

The story is actually a nice look into the mind of a racist Republican who no doubt actually believes that she is indeed NOT a racist.

Go check out the entire article over at The Wonkette.

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Reknowned Racist Donald Sterling is Actually a Republican

Over the past week, I have received several messages taunting me over Donald Sterling, the well-known racist and owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers.  Readers want to know why I don’t point out this racist “Democrat.”  There is no quetion that Sterling’s comments were racist so let’s start with the recording that started it all:

I did not post this video on this website before because I don’t consider Donald Sterling to be a political figure and that is the primary focus of this blog.  However, in response to the Cliven Bundy facepalm, the Conservative Media put Sterling on my radar.

The headlines started coming out on some major right wing political websites and blogs:

“LA Clippers Owner Donald Sterling is a Racist Democrat”– The Tea Party News Network

“Report: Clippers Owner Caught In Racist Rant Is A Democratic Donor” – Fox Nation

“Donald Sterling made donations to Dems” – Politico

“Media Ignoring Dem Donations of LA Clippers’ Owner, Allegedly Caught on Tape in Race-Based Rant” – NewsBusters

“NBA Sterling is a Democrat…” – The Drudge Report

“Race Hate Spewing Clippers Owner Is Democratic Donor” – The Daily Caller

Rush Limbaugh went off on a tirade about it on Monday saying, “This guy is a big Democrat…  The only reason he is in trouble right now is that he did not give enough money to Obama.”  He then went on to rant about Sterling being “a typical Hollywood Democrat” and a litany of other textbook Limbaugh hyperbole.

So NOW they have my attention.  Apparently it’s very important that these websites point out a Democratic racist to help soothe the burning of the wound caused by their frantic embrace of Cliven Bundy.  The world must know that this Democrat is a racist too!

Except they got one thing wrong…  Donald Sterling is a registered Republican in Los Angeles County and has been for over 18 years.

On Sunday, Michael Hiltzik, columnist for the Los Angeles Times, tweeted that local voter records show Sterling to be a registered Republican since 1998. Mother Jones followed up and did a search of the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder’s website for Sterling’s name, date of birth, and address confirmed that he’s registered as a Republican.

Donald Sterling - Registered Republican

Donald Sterling – Registered Republican

Again, the Conservative Media got it wrong.  They jumped at a chance to paint a “Democrat” as a racist just because Sterling made a small contribution to Grey Davis and one to Bill Bradley over 15 years ago.  They thought that they could just shout out “Democrat!” and no one would check them on that.  The rest of the media was prepared to not even bother with checking his political party affiliation but, because of the noise they made, the facts came out.  Well known racist Donald Sterling is indeed a Republican.

Keep your mouth shut, Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh, and you’ll stop helping me point out that Republicans are Racists.

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Conservative Hero and Welfare Queen Cliven Bundy Speaks Out on Race

ImageOver the past few weeks, Fox News and it’s Conservative Media clones have been madly pushing their anti-government agenda by using Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy as their new hero.  Conservative Media heroes like Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have spearheaded their attacks of “Big Government” by trying to fan the flames of this stand-off between the rancher and the Federal Government…  And many Republican elected officials have rushed to show support of Bundy.

Registered Republican Cliven Bundy has been in a long fight with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over grazing rights.  Many, many ranchers graze their herds on Federal lands and, in exchange, pay grazing fees to the United States Government.  Bundy, however, has refused to pay these fees and has continued to graze his herds on Federal land and has amassed over $1,000,000 in fees and fines.  He refuses to pay and continues to use taxpayer land to expand his own personal wealth.

Two weeks ago, this situation came to a head as Federal BLM agents moved in to seize Bundy’s cows as they were eating taxpayer grasses.  The conservative media rushed in and before you know it, hundreds of armed militia and private citizens hurried to the scene with assault weapons in hand.  These so-called Patriots then pointed their weapons at Federal Agents and began threatening open rebellion on television.  We all watched in disbelief as the BLM backed down due to concerns that agents and citizens would certainly be hurt or killed if they did not.

The Conservative Media exploded with this victory.  Cliven Bundy soon appeared on every major news program on Fox News, every major Republican radio show including the fringe show of ultra-right wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.  all of them hailed Bundy as the new hero of the American Right.  Bundy began holding regular news conferences and the one he held this week finally exposed him.

Here are his statements as reported by the New York Times:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids—and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch—they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Here are his statements on video:

Time and time again, these “heroes” get exposed for who they really are.  Bundy is trying to complain about African-Americans sucking from the public teet while he uses public land for his own profit.  He doesn’t even see the irony…  Nor does he see the blatant racism.

Congratulations, Conservative Media.  You gave this guy a nationwide microphone and now he has used it to show once again that Republicans are Racists.

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The Average IQ of Immigrants in the United States is Substantially Lower Than That of the White Native Population

Jason Richwine of the Conservative Heritage Foundation

Jason Richwine of the Conservative Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation has recently put forward a report bagging on a Senate immigration bill that would legalize the United States’ 11 million unauthorized immigrants and bring in more foreign workers on work visas. The report from the GOP backed “think tank” predicts a $6.3 trillion economic loss for the nation if immigration reform is passed. Obviously, allowing more workers with brown skin into the U.S. frightens the GOP to no end as their outreach program to minorities has been a dismal failure and this report hopes to frighten people into opposing any reform.

What caught my eye was a doctoral dissertation by one of the co-authors of this report. Jason Richwine, who received his doctorate in public policy from Harvard in 2009, wrote in his dissertation “IQ and Immigration Policy” that immigrants in the U.S. have lower IQs than native white Americans, and that difference “is likely to persist over several generations.”

“The average IQ of immigrants in the United States is substantially lower than that of the white native population, and the difference is likely to persist over several generations.”

“The consequences are a lack of socioeconomic assimilation among low-IQ immigrant groups, more underclass behavior, less social trust, and an increase in the proportion of unskilled workers in the American labor market,” he writes. “Selecting high-IQ immigrants would ameliorate these problems in the U.S., while at the same time benefiting smart potential immigrants who lack educational access in their home countries.”

No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against.

This is the guy that the most powerful Republican research organization in America decided should co-author their report on how immigration would kill the economy. Truly a non-biased opinion in most Republican eyes.

My prediction that these foolish Republicans will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against. Alas, it seems even Ivy League Republicans are racists.

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Oklahoma GOP Leader Gets “Jewed Down” On A Price

Oklahoma Republican House Majority Leader Dennis Johnson

Oklahoma Republican House Majority Leader Dennis Johnson

The Republican outreach to minorities continues! The new Republican party wants non-white citizens to understand that they aren’t just the party of old, white guys. The GOP is now opening the tent wide for people of all creeds and colors.

Continuing that effort, Oklahoma Republican House Majority Leader Dennis Johnson used his time during a floor debate to discuss effective strategies for small business owners.

“There’s such a thing called niche marketing,” he began. “You find out what you do better than somebody else and that’s what you market.”

I’m with ya, Dennis. Niche Marketing. I got it.

“Then you get the reward of success. People come back to you,” he continued. “They like the service they get, and they don’t ask me—they might try to Jew me down on a price, that’s fine. You know what? That’s free market as well.”


The “new” GOP wants to reach out to people of all colors but they simply can’t stop their true inner feelings from surfacing.

Immediately after this comment, someone hastily whispers to Leader Johnson and he turns back to the mic to apologize.

“I apologize to the Jews. They’re good small businessmen as well,” Johnson said with a laugh.

Double facepalm. They still don’t get it.

In a later interview with The Oklahoman, Johnson explained that it was a term used in his youth that somehow bubbled up out of nowhere. He said that the comment “came out of one of the wrinkles of my brain and it was not something that was intentional.”

Hmmmm… Where have I heard that before? No one has to convince me that, deep in one of the wrinkles of their brain, Republicans are racists.

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