Category Archives: Photos

Chairwoman of the Yellowstone County Republicans Exposes Her Racism on Facebook

Jennifer Olsen, chairwoman of the Yellowstone County Republicans and co-founder of the Montana Shrugged Tea Party group, shared an offensive and blatantly racist photo on her Facebook profile… Right after a post about a roast she was cooking in a crock pot. One of her 1000+ friends quickly grabbed a screenshot and it went viral within hours after appearing on a right-wing blog that also thought the picture funny.

Jennifer Olsen Racist Facebook Post

Jennifer Olsen’s Racist Facebook Post

To see the entire screenshot, visit this post on the Montanafesto blog.

Jennifer Olsen quickly deleted the post when the attention started pouring in and now has come out to deny that she posted it. The standard “I was hacked” excuse poured forth. The problem is that Facebook has very sophisticated security these days and a hacker doesn’t get in just to leave the password unchanged and leave her be. Facebook also messages those who use Facebook mobile to make them aware of hacking attempts. The photo was also posted from the mobile phone associated with her Facebook profile. That cannot be hacked without physical control of the phone. It’s time she just admitted her mistake and moved on.

This is just another in a long list of Republican leadership on varying levels showing brazen disrespect for this African-American President. The fact that she’s a Tea Party Republican should surprise no regular reader of this blog.

My plans for a Friday night: Step 1: Post a racist photo making fun of the President. Step 2: Post about my roast and how I hope it tastes as good as it smells. Step 3: delete and deny. Step 4: Prove once again that Republicans are racist.

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Romney Rally Fail: Put the White Back in the White House!

"Put the White Back in the White House" T-Shirt at Romney / Ryan Rally.

“Put the White Back in the White House” T-Shirt at Romney / Ryan Rally.

This Getty Images photo from a Romney / Ryan rally in Lancaster, Ohio on Friday has gotten a lot of attention. I wonder why? This Romney supporter not only felt comfortable enough in this crowd to wear a t-shirt saying “Put the White back in the White House” but he wanted to spike the ball by adding a Romney / Ryan sticker to the top of the message.

A Romney spokesperson commented that the shirt was “reprehensible and has no place in this election.” That being said, the Right-wing Media leaped to Romnney’s rescue claiming that this guy was a Democratic plant and that the photo was taken outside. There is absolutely no evidence of a plant (but what else can you say just weeks before the election) and it was later proven that the photo was indeed taken inside of the event.

This is certainly no surprise, and I’m sure the man got mad props on his wardrobe choice from his fellow Republicans, but what terrible timing. Didn’t anyone tell him that the GOP really wants to downplay the race issue until after election day? Guess it doesn’t matter to this guy. The important thing to him is getting his message out by preaching to his racist choir.

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Texas Republicans Deface Obama Biden Sign… And No One is Suprised

Cassy Zobel's Obama-Biden Sign

Obama-Biden Sign as Printed

The next time a Texas Republican starts going on about “grass roots” campaigns like they believe the Tea Party to be, don’t be fooled. The real grass roots campaign in Texas is the one being pursued by Texas’ vast racist population.

Cassy Zobel, an Obama supporter in McKinney, Texas, recently had the sign she put up covered and then scrawled with racism and profanity. It’s been reported that Cassy told blogger Egberto Willies, “My next door neighbor rang my doorbell this morning and showed me my sign, which he had kindly removed from the ground. We have at least 4 African American families living on this street. I’m so offended, not just because whoever did this is ignorant and misinformed and trespassed and vandalized my sign, but infinitely more for my neighbors who might have driven by and seen it.”

Here are photos from Ms. Zobel’s blog:

Cassy Zobel's Sign: After the Mystery Republican Visited

Cassy Zobel’s Sign: After the Mystery Republican Visited in the “2nd Best Place to Live in America”

Zobel later told that her Obama yard sign was later stolen on Sunday night by a white male in his 40s, who was caught on video.

More and more often, we have to keep learning the same lesson…. Texas Republicans are racists.

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Texas Republican Lynches An Empty Chair

Texas Republican Lynches an Empty Chair

Strung Up! Texas Republican Lynches an Empty Chair.

Yesterday in Texas, the Burnt Orange Report received a photo of an empty chair, representing President Obama in a bizarre Clint Eastwood homage, being lynched in the front yard of a Texas Republican.

The poor chair was lynched in the front yard of an Austin, Texas homeowner and has many on the right asking, “How is that racist?  Chairs have no race!”

The problem, as pointed out by Katherine Haenschen, is that Texas has a long history of very real lynching. From 1885 to 1942, only Mississippi and Georgia had more lynchings and the overwhelming majority of those lynchings were of African-Americans.  He didn’t have to include a winking emoticon to make sure we all get his point.  It’s pretty easy to translate.

When contacted and asked about the chair by Haenschen, the Austin homeowner had this to say: “I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not. You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” Ahhhhhh, the freedom to choose!  I wonder if all of his neighbors have the same option to avoid his bigoted message.  I believe his comment says all we need to know about the intent and the very audible dog-whistle sent by this… He wants President Obama hanged and has already done so on his front lawn in effigy.

The man is not alone in presenting this message either. This report from Blue Virginia shows another empty chair lynching in that state.

Check out the entire story here from the Daily KOS and add two more to the ever growing list of Republicans that are racist.

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Anti-Obama Billboards in Hanson, Massachusetts: Racism or Just Bad Taste?

Somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing it's idiot.

Somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing it’s idiot.

I get it. If my candidate was an empty suit with hundreds of millions of dollars who didn’t give two craps about people like me that make under $100k per year, I’d be pretty frustrated too. That’s why these signs don’t surprise me in the least. At the RNC, we saw a similar theme. It wasn’t a Convention that was buzzing with excitement for their candidate… It was one boiling with hatred for the President.

These billboards, which have been put up on the small town of Hanson, Massachusetts, aren’t put there to cheer for Mitt Romney. They were put there to further smear the President and continue to try to make him “not one of us.” The first one, “Somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing it’s idiot,” is an old re-tread from the early days of the Tea Party. We’ve seen it before. The second adds a twist.

Thanks, Obama!  Here's my middle finger.

Thanks, Obama! Here’s my middle finger.

This second billboard adds completely imaginary statistics (35 years of paychecks???) and a young girl giving the finger to an invisible Obama… Or to passing motorists depending on whether or not you have time to read it. Eric Folsom, a parent from a nearby town, said that the sign puts him in a tough spot with his 6 year old daughter.

“If she saw that, she’d say ‘Why is that little girl doing that? What does that mean?’” he said. “How do I explain that?”

Both signs were put up by local motorcycle shop owner Robert Sullivan.  For more info, go check out Enterprise News and HuffPo.

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Don’t Re-Nig in 2012: Dogwhistles are for Sissies

Don’t Re-Nig in 2012

Don’t Re-Nig in 2012

Republicans keep stooping to new lows and the racism becomes more and more blatant as the election arrives. This bumpersticker, sold by Stumpy’s Stickers, is just the latest in an ever-growing library of offensive attacks on the President of the United States by so-called patriots on the right.

If you think this kind of thing is okay to say about the elected leader of the country you supposedly love, then you are another example of how today’s Republicans are racists.

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“Go To Hell, Barack!”

Go to Hell, Barack!

The party that claims to be so patriotic that they bleed red, white and blue has one small problem… They hate having a black President far more than they love America.

In 2003, when President G.W. Bush (whom I still have the respect to call by the title his former office deserves) visited my former home town, I was placed in a fenced in cage (“free speech zone”) outside of the auditorium that the President was speaking in just because I opposed the war in Iraq. It was viewed as un-American to ever disagree with (or, even worse, disrespect) the President. I stood in the cage and I held my sign. I disagreed with President Bush but I still respected his office as the leader of my country.

The right-wing of today cannot have such honor. President Obama isn’t like us. He’s different. He’s evil. He’s black. If I had ran an add in a public location like the one above (which is currently posted in the Washington D.C. Metro) about President Bush, I would have been turned down and possibly arrested.

In 2012, respect for the American President is no longer required, the truth is subjective and Republicans are still racist.

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Jan Brewer gives President Obama the Finger… Sort of.

Jan Brewer gives President Obama the Finder... Sort of.

Isn't that nice?

Jan Brewer, the Governor of Arizona, met President Obama at the airport as he landed in her state for a visit on January 25th.  Governor Brewer describes a meeting with the President in her book, Scorpions for Breakfast, in a way that the President disputes.  She described him as condescending and he claims that the meeting was cordial.  This was apparently brought up on the tarmac and the photo above was snapped by reporters watching the exchange.

“The governor handed the president a letter and said she was inviting him to meet with her. The president said he’d be glad to meet with her again, but did note that after their last meeting, a cordial discussion in the Oval Office, the governor inaccurately described the meeting in her book,” a White House official reportedly said.

“I felt a little bit like i was being lectured to, and I was a little kid in a classroom, if you will, and he was this wise professor and I was this little kid, and this little kid knows what the problem is and I felt minimized to say the least,” she said, according to CBS.

The right-wing blogoshphere has erupted in her defense but what if the photo was reversed?  If the President had his finger in her face?  How do you think that would go over?  Exactly.

Republicans are Racists…  Or, at the least, they’re rude.

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