Category Archives: Tea Party

Texas Republican Senate Candidate Urges Border Residents To Shoot ‘Wetbacks’ On Sight

Well, Republican Primary Season is upon us once again and nothing gets the truth out of GOP candidates quite like the mad dash to the right that they all do in order to please the base. Some candidates know exactly what their kind wants to hear and it leads some of them to drop the dog whistles and come straight out with it. Today we get to hear from Texas Republican Senate Candidate Chris Mapp who participated in a series of interviews with the Dallas Morning News as they decide who gets their endorsement in the primary against sitting Senator John Cornyn.

Texas Republican Senate Candidate Chris Mapp

Texas Republican Senate Candidate Chris Mapp

Getting the endorsement of the Dallas Morning News Editorial Board is a definite leg up in a primary that is filled with Tea Party candidates. Chris Mapp has decided that getting to the right of Cornyn is his best shot and he let it all hang out in his interview. Here is how the Dallas Morning News article puts it:

South Texas businessman Chris Mapp, 53, told this editorial board that ranchers should be allowed to shoot on sight anyone illegally crossing the border on to their land, referred to such people as “wetbacks,” and called the president a “socialist son of a bitch.”

Unsurprisingly, the Dallas Morning News then went on to endorse John Cornyn.

But Chris Mapp wasn’t done! Later, in an interview with the San Antonio Express-News, Mapp defended his use of the term “wetbacks.” He described the slur as normal for Texans and said its use is as “normal as breathing air in south Texas,” according to the newspaper.

Apparently what Chris Mapp is saying is that Republicans being Racists in South Texas is as normal as breathing air. I wonder how many of his constituents agree.

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Chairwoman of the Yellowstone County Republicans Exposes Her Racism on Facebook

Jennifer Olsen, chairwoman of the Yellowstone County Republicans and co-founder of the Montana Shrugged Tea Party group, shared an offensive and blatantly racist photo on her Facebook profile… Right after a post about a roast she was cooking in a crock pot. One of her 1000+ friends quickly grabbed a screenshot and it went viral within hours after appearing on a right-wing blog that also thought the picture funny.

Jennifer Olsen Racist Facebook Post

Jennifer Olsen’s Racist Facebook Post

To see the entire screenshot, visit this post on the Montanafesto blog.

Jennifer Olsen quickly deleted the post when the attention started pouring in and now has come out to deny that she posted it. The standard “I was hacked” excuse poured forth. The problem is that Facebook has very sophisticated security these days and a hacker doesn’t get in just to leave the password unchanged and leave her be. Facebook also messages those who use Facebook mobile to make them aware of hacking attempts. The photo was also posted from the mobile phone associated with her Facebook profile. That cannot be hacked without physical control of the phone. It’s time she just admitted her mistake and moved on.

This is just another in a long list of Republican leadership on varying levels showing brazen disrespect for this African-American President. The fact that she’s a Tea Party Republican should surprise no regular reader of this blog.

My plans for a Friday night: Step 1: Post a racist photo making fun of the President. Step 2: Post about my roast and how I hope it tastes as good as it smells. Step 3: delete and deny. Step 4: Prove once again that Republicans are racist.

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“Legitimate Rape” Doesn’t Cause Pregnancy

Here is another in our series of videos where Republicans aren’t necessarily racists… Just misogynists. Republican candidate Todd Akin of Missouri sits on CNN and boldly states that in cases of “legitimate rape” that the body will not allow pregnancy to occur. He says “from what I understand from doctors” to qualify the statement (and give it that science-y feel) but the fact is that he’s pulling this right out of his ass. Somehow, the female body can prevent pregnancy if it is raped but is helpless to prevent unwanted pregnancy in all other cases.

This is more made up “science” from Republican politicians. Notice how he speaks with authority becuase he needs this statement to be true. Republicans are laying the cards out on how they feel about women and minorities in this country, lately. Listen to them and you will hear the truth. One of the keys to having women not despise them is if they can convince women (and partisan white males) that real rape doesn’t cause pregnancy then maybe their anti-choice political views start to make sense. I know it is twisted logic but it’s simply what these people are trying to do.

My guess is that Todd Akin just put a winnable Republican House seat into play and women could have a chance to send him back to the primordial ooze he crawled out of this November.

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“Mr. America” Delivers ‘Revolutionary’ Hip-hop with a Dash of Racism at CPAC

Imagine that you had a week of television coverage dedicated to highlighting you and all of your extended family and sharing it with the world. Even far distant cousins, uncles, and nieces could come, get on stage and say or do whatever the voices in their heads tell them to. Wouldn’t that be great?

Well, if your extended family is anything like mine, that might not be such an awesome thing. Sure, you and your parents might be able to keep it together and give a speech or show a talent that could be educational or entertaining, but if everyone gets that same chance what do you think would happen? Odds are, something like the video above.

CPAC is this kind of magic stage for Republicans. Sure, the adults get a chance to speak but what sucks for the GOP is that the rest of them get to speak as well. This performance by conservative “comics” and commentators Steven Crowder and Chris Loesch is one of those embarrassing moments put on display for the rest of us to enjoy.

Not only is this terrible rap, it simply isn’t funny. Notice how the stark white crowd sits on their hands and looks on in confusion while these cats rap in powdered wigs. The crowd clearly isn’t feeling that hip-hop vibe. Well… Right up until the dog whistle blows… The “nickers” bit near the end is finally where the white people perk up. See, the blue collar comedy lies in a white guy saying “nicker” while a black guy (lonely indeed at CPAC) leaves the room in a rehearsed huff. Crowder and Loesch cut the music and let it sink in for the slow ones. Oh man, are my sides splitting! NICKERS! Get it?!?

These white guys may not be able to rap very well but they do show you one special trait that white people at CPAC displayed in spades… Republicans are racists.

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David Webb thinks the President should Call ME Out!

From the January 30 edition of Fox News’ America Live…

Vodpod videos no longer available.

That’s right.  That finger that Jan Brewer threw in the President’s face wasn’t racist (although I did point out that it was rude) and President Obama should call out the “Black Mafia” in the media that said it was!  Sweet!  As a white dude with a blog (media!) being called a part of the “Black Mafia” by an african-american is about the sweetest street cred that I can garner.

Governor Brewer’s finger may not have been involved in a hate crime but this doesn’t change the opinion that I share with my brothers in the “Black Mafia”…  We still believe that Republicans are racists.

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The Tennessee Tea Party wants to edit Slavery out of our History.

Most people might think this is a joke but, sadly, it’s not.  The Tennessee Tea Party is making a push to further edit our history in order to prevent teaching schoolchildren about subjects that the Tea Party feels puts a bad light on America’s founding fathers.  This means sweeping changes to how slavery at the time of the founding of our country was handled and addressed by those who organized our democracy.

The group called for textbook selection criteria to include: “No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contributions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership.”  That’s right.  If your minority experience would reflect negatively on John Adams or George Washington, it should not be shared with our children.  Today’s student apparently only needs to know that our white founding fathers were good Christians who never made a lapse in judgement…  You know…  Like Jesus.

And for those who think this sounds familiar, it certainly should.  The same group is behind the 2011 Texas schoolbook whitewashing.

Call me unpatriotic but if your love for your country is only based on viewing Thomas Jefferson as a demi-god and that he is without fault or sin, then you have moved into religion and way out of the bounds of patriotism.  Our founding fathers were humans that made mistakes and hiding those mistakes from future generations only opens up the possibility of repeating those mistakes tomorrow.

To read more about it on the Huff, click here.

There is only one reason that you would want to purposefully alter the negative racial history of your forefathers…  You guessed it…  Tea Party Republicans are racists.

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