Tag Archives: Debate

The 2016 Democratic Party Debate’s Award Winning Racist Tweet

Randy Pullen (Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr, Creative Commons License)

Randy Pullen (Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr, Creative Commons License)

While there were plenty of racist tweets made during the Democratic Party Debate on Tuesday night, we’re going to have to point to former Arizona Republican Party chairman Randy Pullen as the winner…  At least from elected Republicans.  The voters themselves took the racism to another level and maybe we’ll cover that later.

After the candidates were asked whether “all lives matter” or “black lives matter,” Randy Pullen tweeted this out to the twitterverse:


Nicely done, Mr. Pullen.  Welcome to the site where we immortalize these gems!

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Newt Gingrich Sticks to His Racist Guns

Why not refer to him as “boy,” Newt? Mr. Williams uses Gingrich’s highest title (Mr. Speaker) to ask the question about Newt referring to the President as “the Foodtstamp President” and Gingrich responds with a snarky “Juan…” Juan Williams had a legitimate question which he asked on Martin Luther King Day and this is the response he got. Both the crowd and Newt showed their disgusting colors.

As it turns out, George W. Bush actually put more Americans on Foodstamps than President Obama. Ooops! Kinda ruins your point, Newt!

Gingrich and South Carolina just continue to show that… Republicans are racist.

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